Advanced Author Bio is a plugin for WordPress to add customized Author Information Box in WordPress posts and pages. The Author Box displays Author Description, Gravatar, Social Profile links and many other information about the post author. This plugin is a must have for multi author blogs and blogs that accepts guest posts.
Advanced Author Bio Features
Here are some of the features of Advanced Author Bio WordPress Plugin.
- Enables the HTML formatting in author description field
- Adds Facebook profile field in author profile setup page
- Adds Google+ profile field in author profile setup page
- Adds Twitter profile field in author profile setup page
- Adds LinkedIn profile field in author profile setup page
- Shows the Author’s profile image from Gravatar
- Highly customizable author bio box (Needs the editing of supplied Stylesheet file).
- Adds Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr and StumbleUpon field in author profile setup page (Plugin Version 3.0 onwards)
- Shows the Website if any Hompage URL is set at profile.
Advanced Author Bio Installation
Installing and customizing Advanced Author Bio is easy, just follow these simple steps:
- Download the zip file below
- Upload ‘advanced-author-bio‘ folder and all its contents to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory.
- Activate the plugin ‘Advanced Author Bio‘ through the ‘Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Customize the ‘look and feel’ of the author bio box by editing the values in ‘style.css’
Love the plugin, thanks
It it possible for the Author Bio to appear after the comments boxes, rather than before?
I am getting my author box twice. Take a look
hey cn you please tell how to use this plugin i have activated it but how will it appear after my posts ?? i mean to say – please tell me what to do next ???
Without that I can not be of much help.
great plugin
was wondering how could i show the bio in expert mode with a read more link after 4 or 5 lines?
Could you please explain it a bit more? I mean, what exactly do you mean by the excerpt mode?
so if i want the box to look like this one there is no option panel i have to alter php and of course css?
Yup!! No options panel available at this moment.
Editing plugins is a very bad idea as you are going to lose it on upgrade.
Great plugin! I would really like to have the option to disable it on some pages; I want the author bio on blog posts, for example, but not on pages or articles. Is that available, or will it be soon?
Let me see if I can come up with something. Might not be coming soon though.
Hi, I like the plugin but it would be good if you could add a checkbox on each post to prevent the box appearing on a particular page or post, eg for admin. Cheers.
Not yet, but that I could add in next version.
I love this plugin; but am having a small problem.
For example, visit this post:
… in the author box, the link to Twitter does not work. It provides a link to the article, with the author’s Twitter handle after /31252/twitterhandle.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
Make sure there are no ‘http://’ or space before the twitter handle.
How do I add a .jpg to be my profile picture as opposed to the gravatar?
No, you can’t without altering plugin’s core codes which I highly discourage.
Why don’t you just use Gravatar? It’s free and reliable.
Great plugin! I’m using it on a client’s site and am trying to change the background to a simple white – can you help? I did change the css but the background image is still showing up.
I guess you are using some kind of cache plugin (or CDN). Try purging the cache in that case and do a hard refresh on your browser.
Thanks, its working now. Is there a way to reduce the size of the author box – it’s running into my sidebar nav. I tried changing the width in the css but it says it’s inactive? Please help.
What’s inactive? The Plugin or the CSS for the plugin?
The advanced-author-bio/style.css file for the plugin is showing to be inactive
Just updated the plugin, and all of our formatting seems to be gone and it looks terrible! Why didn’t you warn us that our carefully crafted formatting would be wiped out with this seemingly minor update?!
Is there any way to go back to the previous version?
It seems you missed a couple of updates.
The new look was announced in the changelog when it was updated to version 3.0
Unfortunately, there are no ways to get back to old version unless you have a backup.
I have installed this plugin, But how to change the social page links In Authors bio , Its automatically takes fb, twitter, and G+ icons, but links are not correct
I am also from Kolkata a newbie blogger, Please help ,Which plugin you are using for �? Confirm you are NOT a spammer�? and prevent duplicate comment
I am getting lots of spam comment
You need to enter the URLs in your “Edit Profile�? Page.
Users > Your Profile
That’s CommentLuv I am using, but you can use Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (Same functionality, same plugin author)
Hi there,
I’ve installed this plugin and now our admins are showing up as authors in search results on Google. The problem is we have a few pages that are confidential, so we don’t want these pages showing in search results.
Is there any way to remove the plugin from admins?
That’s possible, but requires some extra codes and an options page for the plugins, which, I don’t think coming too soon.
Great plugin Abhik!
Since the latest update I am seeing a link appear just above my post content linking to the author, I deactivated the plugin and the link went away, I activated the plugin and deactivated all my other plugins and the link returned.
I have installed your plugin on some of my smaller blogs and the problems happens on all of them. Here is one –
Hope you are able to figure out the problem soon as you have a very good plugin on your hands.
Yes, I noticed that too.
I am going to update the plugin in a few days.
Just upgraded the plugin. Let me know if you are still getting that link.
Great Plugin! I’m using it for one of my websites and it’s great. I’ve recently run into an issue though. I have added a second author and now a second author box is showing up under the plugins author box. How do I remove the second author box?
Thank you.
Can you give me a link where the second box is appearing?
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I never got a notification that you commented. Yes, here is a link of where you can see this occurring .
Let me explain my story. I downloaded your plugin a while back and was using it for only one author. It worked fine, the picture appeared in the box with all the info and links. I added another author and wanted to add an image for them. So I uploaded a plugin called “User Photo�? to be able to upload images. Now I get this second box under yours and the photo only shows up in the second one and no longer shows up in yours. I hope this helps.
The second box still shows up even when I deactivate it, so it’s something with the Advanced Author Bio and WordPress. It didn’t start doing this until I added more than 1 author. Is there anything I can do?
I can’t see any authorbox (of course from my plugin) at the link you provided.
Did you tried deactivating the other plugin while keeping mine activated?
You don’t need to upload any image, the author image comes from gravatar.
I am setting up the Gravatars now. I reactivated your Author Box plugin. How do I get rid of the second author area below the social buttons?
It looks like the author box is hardcoded in your theme.
Open single.php and remove the entire code block from
< div id="author-info" >
< /div >< -- #entry-author-info -->
Don’t forget to backup your single.php in case something go wrong.
Okay, thank you Abhik. I will give it a try.
Well, I couldn’t find that code block in single.php but I did find it in author.php. Should I delete that php file altogether? Thank you.
Just delete the piece of code. And, make sure to backup before deleting.
I deleted the code and the box is still there.
Can you send me your single.php and author.php?
You can use to paste the codes in those files and send me the links using the contact page here?
(Use PHP Syntax Highlighting)
I thank you for your work on this great plugin.
I just updated the plugin to 3.0 and then I noticed that in every post or page before my first sentence on my article there is the Link of my name wherein, is it the new feature of the 3.0 version? my website is , Thanks.
No, it’s not a feature of the plugin, and it shouldn’t be added by the plugin.
Did you checked after disabling the plugin temporarily?
Should be fixed now.
I am using this plugin and I am fully satisfied with this. Thank you.
On first time, thanks for your job and congrats!!
on the other hand, I’m using your plugging a short time ago and I have a bit error: If I click on twitter link, it doesn’t redirect to twitter, if not to my last post.
This is my web , you can try this and see the results…
How can I resolve this? or is something wrong on me?
thank you so much and please, continue you fabulous job!
Hang on!! The plugin needs some modification.
Please wait for the update.
Is there an easy way to pull the information entered into the userdata to be inserted into another php page?
I am working in Pagelines Framework, and trying to retrieve the information with:
$curauth = get_userdata(get_query_var( ‘author’ ));
but that does not have the new fields I am looking for.
< ?php
$curauth = (get_query_var('facebook')) ? get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('facebook')) : get_userdata(get_query_var('author'));
And so on..
looks like something happened when we updated WP… how do you remove the last line of text that appears in the bio that says “Connect me on Website�? ???
You need to manually edit the plugin’s php page.
I had to revert to the old version. It works great. But, the new version pushes my sidebar off underneath the main content area. If there’s a tag missing, it has to be in the new plugin, not in my theme. I’m an experienced CSS Web designer, but I can’t find the missing tag.
Hi Abhik,
I have installed this plugin to my wordpress blog ( ) but my sidebar position pushed to bottom of the page. What can I do?
Looks like a closing div tag is missing from your source.
Try disabling the minify plugin you are using.
I disabling the wp-minify plugin but still my sidebar pushed to bottom. If I changed the author of the same post, my blog back to normal again. And what div tag…where is it?
Hi, We have the gravatar showing up for a few of the authors, but we cannot seem to get the photo of the gravatar to show up on a particular author. The gravatar link is The blog url is Any help would be appreciated. Its driving us batty since other author photos are showing up fine.
Just looked at the source of the page you mentioned.
The avatar is pulling the “Mystery Man�? avatar (default, if no avatar is set).
Since you told the plugin is working for other authors, then it’s possible that the author is hasn’t set her profile correctly at Gravatar.
You should check out my Social Author Bio plugin. You can find it here: and here:
and can u tell me this commenting plugin.. looks nice…
i have installed the plugin and configured the plugin image is quite out of the box in bottom side.. chk this example
Looks like you have too little content on the bio box.
Do one thing, try replacing this in plugin’s css file (aabstyle.css).
It just defines a minimum height of the author box.
I’m not sure if this plugin is causing the problem, but searching on the slow query I’m getting has to do with an author bio being shown.
SELECT wp_users.* FROM wp_users INNER JOIN wp_usermeta ON (wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id) WHERE 1=1 AND (wp_usermeta.meta_key = ‘wp_capabilities’ ) ORDER BY user_login ASC;
See this:
The plugin doesn’t add any additional query to the database. Instead, it fetches the data using “get_the_author_meta�? function.
The query that you mentioned perhaps coming from another plugin or the theme that you are using.
Congrats on a great plugin! Is there an easy way to display the author’s name underneath the avatar image?
I need to narrow it as is too wide for my blog, How can I do?
Edit the supplied aabsyle.css file and add “width:500px;�? after #post-author{.
Change the with to your required value.
How do you add the photo?
From .
Is there a way to change the size of the second authors info. on my blog it’s pushing the sidebar to the right as it’s to wide. Or can it be eliminated altogether? I found it redundant that we see authors info twice. you can see it here: http;//
The second author box in your blog isn’t generating by the plugin. Perhaps hard coded in the theme files.
You can try removing the following code from your single.php
Hi Abhik, nice job with the plugin, it looks very nice. The link to the guest blog page is however a dead link, you might want to check that.
Hi there I want to change the CSS of the plug in but it say inactive in the editor of WP what can I do?
You should activate the plugin from the Plugins > Inactive menu first.
You can, however, edit the CSS even if the plugin is inactive.
Pretty cool to see your own plugin Abhik! That is awesome man